
Support Streets.mn, an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. While we are always seeking out new writers and contributors, and financial contributions, your donation of time is also valuable to us. We always have need of people who want to help run the site and our committees.

Some of our major volunteer areas include:

  • Editorial Council – Our editors review and set for publication every post on our site, and provide insight and support to our writers. If you’ve an eye for spelling and grammar and enthusiasm for the publishing process, talk to us.
  • Social Media – We tweet, we Facebook, we sometimes even Instagram, Reddit, or Snapchat. Our Social Media team is often the first line of contact for media inquiries, new writers and interested readers.
  • Event Planning/Event Staff – streets.mn events don’t happen on their own! That’s where we need party planner people, and friendly faces to greet our guests.
  • Other – If you’re interested in helping out but have other skills, or just don’t know where you’re needed most, contact us. We’ll chat.

The  form will go to our Board Volunteer coordinator, who will get back with you by your preferred contact method. Thanks for your consideration!