About Streets.mn

We formed Streets.mn because we think transportation and land use news and information in Minnesota can be done better. This site explores the pressing issues facing our cities, towns, neighborhoods and the places in between.


To foster positive connections and inclusive conversations about better places in Minnesota.

Core Values

A better place is one that is…

People-centered: transportation and public spaces should center on people rather than private vehicles

Future-oriented: the built environment should be designed for the needs of future generations, and in the context of a rapidly changing non-human world

Justice-driven: cities, towns, and streets should empower and include people of all ages, especially the vulnerable and marginalized

Delight-cultivating: places should inspire happiness and wonder in all seasons and all times of the night and day


Content for Streets.mn is produced by these fine folks, is a 100% member-supported and volunteer-driven. The organization is a non-profit, governed by our board and managed through our committees.

A diverse group of contributors writes for Streets.mn. The views, opinions, and positions expressed by each author–and those providing comments–are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of the Streets.mn Board or any other site contributor. The website Streets.mn makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site.


The Streets.mn logos were designed by Jesse Ross. View our Brand and Logo page for logo guidance and downloads.


This site is 100% user-supported and does not accept any form of advertising, commercial sponsorship, or paid insertions. On occasion, we may accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, or other items from companies and organizations. Our authors are not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. We will always identify cases in which we have been given complementary review access when writing such reviews.

The Streets.mn team of contributors reserve the right to delete or edit blog entries or comments that they deem to be obscene, offensive, spammy, or otherwise unacceptable in an environment promoting the free exchange of ideas.

The list of policies is below:


Interested in becoming a contributor?

Streets.mn seeks hard-working volunteers to contribute to the best community blog in Minnesota focusing on land use and transportation issues. Sound cool? Check out our page for interested new writers.


Willing to help support the site? Please consider donating.