Things that go BURP in the night

“If you’ve got nothing better to do this Tuesday than hanging around on the streetcorner violating the Minneapolis Lurking Ordinance, why not join me for a meeting of the Buffs of Urban and Regional Planning (BURP)?”Twin City Sidewalks blog.

Yes, join the Buffs of Urban and Regional Planning tonight …

5 pm Tuesday October 30th!

Clubhouse Jäger!

923 Washington Ave N., Minneapolis

2-4-1′s on Domestic Taps & Rail Drinks till 10

Here’s the write-up from Getting Around Minneapolis:

Every kid’s favorite holiday is Halloween.  You may not get a day off school, but you do get to stay up late, and you get to wear face paint, run around the neighborhood and push the doorbells of all the neighbors your parents usually tell you to stay away from.  And best of all CANDY!  The best Simpsons episodes!  More CANDY!

When you’re a grown-up, beer is your candy.  And talking to other nerds about urban planning is your Simpsons Treehouse of Horror.  So, in honor of the most scawiest howiday, we’re having the most scawiest BUWP evew at Minneapolis’ own drinkable castle, Club Jäger.  I hope you can join us… IF YOU DARE!

See you there!