20190413 001608

Brit Builds an ADU: Spring (and the Home Tour) Is Here!

I survived the winter!

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A few weeks’ accumulation of snow on my container garden, before the big melt.

Back in early April, it was hard to think about building a whole new space, what with the blizzard and all. Looking ahead to the coming summer and the warmer weather this past week has kept up my spirits, plus the accessory dwelling units (ADUs) that other people have built will be available soon to be toured!

The Family Housing Fund has released a new ADU Guidebook for the Twin Cities, which I learned about from the MSP Home Tours guide for the event this Saturday, April 27 and Sunday, April 28. Apparently some nice Minnesotans are willing to show off the latest updates to their homes for the rest of us to admire. Two ADUs are on the tour this year: number 24 on the list, an attached version, and number 25, a detached ADU.

After the winter isolation, I’m looking forward to getting out and meeting some folks who have already gone through the process we are embarking on this year.

ADU and other housing updates

  • White Crane Design Build has a helpful build blog of a detached ADU that feels like both a process guide and tour of a lovely building.
  • We’re finally getting our basement back in order after a major water intrusion shortly after we bought the house. (That is a post for another day.)
  • The ice dams have also been bad, and we now have a major hole in our living room ceiling and my home office (boo, ice; yay, insurance). That will be getting fixed shortly.

These issues have given us the opportunity to work with a contractor to get things fixed, and perhaps we will work with them again on the ADU build. We’ll have to get a few quotes once the plans are settled. For now, they are doing quality work and are great to work with. Thanks, WonderWoman!

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Perhaps my next post will look at zoning. Like the garden planning I’ve got coming up soon, you’ve got to know the metes and bounds of possibility before choosing the orientation and materials. Sometimes they both involve graph paper.



Brit Anbacht

About Brit Anbacht

Brit Anbacht is a millenial policy wonk and general nerd. They work from home full time. Brit sometimes drives but ever more frequently takes the bus for errands. They live in south Minneapolis, and can be found occasionally on twitter @britvulcan.