happy hour drinks

Enjoy Happy Hour on March 23 with! is heading east this month for our social outing. Meet us at Bad Weather Brewing Company in St. Paul on Thursday, March 23 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Members of the board will be there to answer questions, meet new faces and enjoy a tasty beverage. Several of our current contributors will also be in attendance, so bring article ideas or your own articles to workshop.

This is a great opportunity to learn how you can be a contributor for, a volunteer for our events and get involved in other ways. See you there!

How to Get There

About Christina Neel

Pronouns: she/her

Christina moved to the Twin Cities from the Florida Keys in 2021 and fell completely in love with the area. She works as a City and Regional Planner and spends her days biking, singing, and hanging out with her cat named California. Events Committee volunteer