Author: Eric Sutterlin

Eric Sutterlin

Eric Sutterlin is a mechanical engineer living in West St. Paul with a passion for mapping and city planning. In recent years, he has become fascinated by the magnitude of the outer suburban building boom relative to the proportion of the metro area that it covers. He has developed an interest in panning around Zillow Maps, looking at how houses are selling and how things change over time, as well as learning about sustainable urban planning. This interest has led to the overwhelming realization that outer suburban boom subdivisions are very unsustainable.

Why a Major Outer-suburban Real Estate Downturn is Imminent

I believe the stage is set for large, outer-suburban houses to decline drastically in value. This will likely result in abandonment or subdivision into multiple units before mortgages are paid off. In the long-term future, many outer-suburban homeowners will probably foreclose, if the taxpayer doesn’t bail them out. There are many factors predictive of this […]