Tag Archives: energy

Chart of the Day: Additions to US Power Plant Capacity

This chart comes from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, a national policy thinktank based in Minneapolis.   Basically it shows how “residential solar” (i.e. panels on houses) has become a meaningful mix in the new additions to the US energy grid. It’s something to think about when thinking about homes, or energy, or cities, or […]

Chart of the Day: Travel Efficiency (Calories per Gram per Kilometer)

This chart from Scientific American magazine should blow your socks off. A friend of mine sent it to me a while ago. It charts a whole bunch of different “traveling animals and machines” and examines various efficiencies of movement. Say what you will about bicyclists, at least we’re not lemmings. These different data points seem delightfully random. […]

Chart of the Day – Energy Density v. Area Required

This rather obscure chart illustrates how space intensive different power sources are in relation to each other. The grey energy sources are renewable, while the white boxes are fossil fuels. Basically, it illustrates how much less dense many of the renewable energy options are compared to coal and oil. Not that they don’t also take […]