Sidewalk Tour: Minneapolis Skyway System and the Last Holidazzle

holidazzleYou are invited to a tour of the Minneapolis Skyway system, which turned 50 just last year. I did a bunch of research on the Minneapolis skyways a while back, and am going to take people to a few of the highlights of the system.

Plus this is the last chance to see the Holidazzle Parade, a 21-year tradition that’s being put out of its misery this year.

Skyways, as you know, are a controversial topic on this site. I hate them, others love them. Sam’s recent post about Block E points to one of the problems with them, and you’ll find a representative skyway debate in the comments section there. At some point in the tour, perhaps while watching R.T. Rybak lead the Holidazzle from the comfort of an enclosed bridge, Minneapolis-based travel writer Leif Pettersen and I are going to lead a discussion on their pros and cons. Leif lives downtown and is a big skyway propenent, so it should be fun.

Here’s the invite on Facebook, and a writeup on my blog. See you there!

  • What: Skyway/Holidazzle Tour
  • When: This Friday at 5:45
  • Where: Meet at 8th St Grill, 8th and Marquette. Walk around from there.




Bill Lindeke

About Bill Lindeke

Pronouns: he/him

Bill Lindeke has writing blogging about sidewalks and cities since 2005, ever since he read Jane Jacobs. He is a lecturer in Urban Studies at the University of Minnesota Geography Department, the Cityscape columnist at Minnpost, and has written multiple books on local urban history. He was born in Minneapolis, but has spent most of his time in St Paul. Check out Twitter @BillLindeke or on Facebook.