Seeking solace on a drive through rural Rice County

The rural scene, dominated by a blue sky, unfolds before us.

The rural scene, dominated by a blue sky, unfolds before us.

Blue sky stretches before my husband and me as we traverse back gravel roads northwest of Faribault Sunday afternoon.

A drive along country gravel roads always uplifts me, no matter the season.

A drive along country gravel roads always uplifts me, no matter the season.

I yearn for this escape, for this reconnection to the land, this attempt to rejuvenate my spirit.

This scene inspires the poet in me.

This scene inspires the poet in me.

Just being in the country calms my soul, brightens my outlook, causes me to pause and appreciate this peaceful rural landscape.

This scene elicits memories of laboring on my childhood farm in southwestern Minnesota.

This scene elicits memories of laboring on my childhood farm in southwestern Minnesota.

In this moment, at this time, I slip into the past, envision myself laboring in the barns we pass. Soothing thrum of the milking machine. Cocooning warmth among cows snugged in mounds of golden straw. The comfort of ‘CCO radio.

I envision these fields seeded in corn or soybeans.

I envision these fields seeded in corn or soybeans.

In fields, I see a much younger and skinnier version of myself plodding between rows of soybeans to yank cockleburs on a scorching summer day.

Drive, red buildings

This farmyard scene holds the comfort of memories.

At the sight of a farmyard, I hear my buckle overshoes crunch upon hard-packed snow as I follow the path from house to barn.

An ocean of snow-washed land.

An ocean of snow-washed land.

Memories unleash in this landscape, in the view of farmyards anchored into hillsides within an ocean of snow-washed fields.

A remnant of yesteryear in an old corn crib.

A remnant of yesteryear in an old corn crib.

I am happy here. Content. At peace.

Splashes of red jolt and blue and white landscape.

Splashes of red jolt the blue and white landscape.

Yes, even in this winter of too much cold and too much snow, I find solace in blue skies and sunshine, barns and white-washed fields.

This story was cross posted at

About Audrey Kletscher Helbling

Audrey Kletscher Helbling, a native of Vesta in southwestern Minnesota, has been blogging at Minnesota Prairie Roots since 2009. She brings a passion for sharing the stories of rural Minnesota to her work, capturing the essence of small town life in her words and images. Audrey appreciates Sunday afternoon drives, garage sales and thrift stores, hanging laundry on the clothesline, gravel roads and anything that reconnects her to the land. She's lived in Faribault for more than 30 years where she continues to professionally pursue her passions for writing and for photography. An enthusiastic writer of poetry, her award-winning poems have been published in places from anthologies to billboards. Follow Audrey's blog at