Sunday Summary – December 21, 2014

sunday-summary-logoFor the Winter Solstice, the Sunday Summary tries to bring a little light to the week’s posts so you won’t be in the dark.

Conversation of the week

The Curious Case of Luxury Student Housing is an in-depth look at the student housing driven gentrification in Dinkytown with comparisons to other university towns.  The many commenters try to pick apart some of the data and consider additional facts about student housing choices.  The conversation leaps over to MinnPost, too with Student-housing changes in the Twin Cities mirror trends elsewhere putting a less academic spin on the issue.

What if?

A couple of posts this week ask “What if…?”  What If We Took Half the Seats Out of Buses? to improve the “interior navigation” on buses by creating enough space for strollers, bulky parcels and passenger movement?  Commenters were somewhat supportive and linked the crowding and navigation issues to other recent discussions on bus stop spacing and some additional suggestions. What if we considered Selling Parklands to Save Them? We’d ask if some parkland might be sold for development to help develop better parks. Is There a Fix for Cathedral Hill’s Parking Woes? asks what if we create incentives for walking, biking and transit; commenters question whether parking is much of a problem, as well as critiquing specific suggestions.


A Few Questions the Planning Commission Should Ask About TOD at Hiawatha and Lake looks at the plans for the proposed Blue Line station area at Hiawatha and Lake Streets and sees room for improvement. Passenger Rail to Northfield? highlights grassroots action to raise the priority of passenger rail in MnDOT’s planning process.

Wrapping things up

2014 EU BICI Series Exports for Minnesota wraps up the series of posts from Europe about bicycling facilities and culture across that continent by bringing home some information which could be useful here in MN.

Audiovisual department

Two Charts of the Day this week (suggesting it was a really short week, perhaps) Transit vs. City Share of Urban Population and US Homeownership by Race 1994 – 2009 and Friday Photo – More Roads Please should be seen to be appreciated.  Two videos finish complete the audiovisual offerings: the seasonally appropriate The Polar Express – Clip: Hold on Tightly (2004) | HD and Miller High Life–Alternative Fuels which manages to pack a lot of politics and American ideals into 30 seconds.

We’re at the solstice, midway through Hanukkah and full speed ahead to Christmas this week.  Shop thoughtfully, give generously, drive carefully and eat responsibly this holiday and have a warm, wonderful week!

Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at