Author: Betsey Buckheit

Betsey Buckheit

Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at

Two black labrador retrievers curled up together

Sunday Summary – December 1, 2019

Welcome to December!  In news/business/events, although prices have gone up, you can and should buy a ticket to the fundraiser this Thursday for an evening of urbanist fun including an “epic trivia battle” and more. And this is my Sunday Summary Summation, as I’ve been recapping posts since 2014 and as I […]

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Urbanist Twitter on Northfield’s Roundabout

Note the Catch-22: If Northfield could increase the number of students getting to school under their own power that would reduce rush minute congestion created by adults chauffeuring kids to school…and if it reduced demand during peak times then the over-engineered roundabout would not be needed. But how could Northfield increase walking and biking through […]

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Sunday Summary – November 17, 2019

Rather a lot of organizational news this week: Give to the Max 2019! took place this past Thursday and you gave!  Thank you to our donors on GTTM19!  The deadline to apply to join the board was extended to Monday, November 18 so read about what current board members have to say about […]

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Sunday Summary – November 10, 2019

There’s still one more week to apply to Join the Board for Better Places in Minnesota. If you want some more information and/or to meet current board members before you apply Come to the Happy Hour, Meet Board Members on November 14th at Venn Brewing.  Also mark your calendar for the annual Winter […]

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Sunday Summary – November 3, 2019

And there’s still time to Join the Board for Better Places in Minnesota.  Last week was heavy on Saint Paul election information; if you live in Saint Paul, vote on November 5 (Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night for you Anglophiles – I think fireworks would be an excellent addition to election days if we could find […]

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Sunday Summary – October 27, 2019

There is still time to Join the Board for Better Places in Minnesota; the deadline to apply is November 16.  Click through for more information about what’s involved.  And you can Join us for a C-Line Ride November 9! to Brooklyn Center, too.  And it’s Halloween coming up this week; this is the sidewalk […]

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Sunday Summary – October 20, 2019

It is that time of year when we ask you to Join the Board for Better Places in Minnesota: “All are welcome to apply, and absolutely no policy or planning experience is required. We do ask, however, that you are passionate about our mission: “To foster positive connections and inclusive conversations about better places […]

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Sunday Summary – October 13, 2019

As part of its year end work, the Board is reviewing 2019 efforts and developing priorities for 2020.  We’d appreciate your help, too, as readers of  Click over to our board priorities survey by Saturday, October 19 to tell us how well you think we met goals and what needs attention and improvement […]


Sunday Summary – October 6, 2019

It’s Twin Cities Marathon Day!  Like the City of Lakes Loppet and countless smaller events, the Marathon gives people a reason to spend time outside on and along the streets and in the parks getting to know the Cities better.  No doubt the runners understand the topography better than anyone after 26.2 miles of up […]

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Sunday Summary – September 29, 2019

It is now officially Fall, so keep the link to the DNR’s Fall Color Finder handy (complete with a list of state parks and how close they are to “peak leaf” and comparison to past leaf seasons).  You can even subscribe to updates by email. Visiting state parks is mostly a road trip idea, but […]