Chart of the Day: Downtown Streets Busy with Buses

Back in 2013 I was a bit too excited about bus lanes, which is one of the more frustrating enthusiasms a Minnesotan could have, up there with polylinguism and being a Vikings fan. But with all the talk about how a ridiculous amount of buses are going to be jammed onto Hennepin Ave, some of the nerdier readers (I kid — we’re all nerdy!) will extract some interest in one of the fruits of my enthusiasm.

In short, I tallied the volume of buses that run on the primary segments of the various downtown streets. That way I could know which downtown street had the highest number of daily bus trips (2nd Ave with 684) and how many buses per hour run northbound on Nicollet in the AM peak (29). Long long ago, this information was on, and it may be now again, but it wasn’t then.



Alex Bauman

About Alex Bauman

Alex enjoys blogging on his iPhoneDroid while stuck in traffic on his 90 minute daily commute to Roseville from bucolic Staggerford.