Calling All Writers! — You’re Invited to the Workshop this Saturday is calling all writers – current writers and readers who think they’d like to write for (or might like to or have thought about it even just a little bit).  Please come to the 2nd Writers Workshop on Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 2-4 pm in Room 155 in Blegen Hall on the University of Minnesota West Bank campus. There will be pizza, too.’s mission is “to expand and enhance the conversation about transportation and land use through research and informed commentary.” We’re looking to our writers (and the people who could be writers – yes, you) to help expand the conversation to include more perspectives and issues, as well as continue conversations already thriving on the site.

The “transportation and land use” mission can include any aspect of how we have or could build, travel, and interact with our environments – from national policy to your neighborhood, from funding streams to fun urbanism, and from policy analysis to first-person stories.

So spend a little time with us and learn how you can contribute at  At the workshop, you can:

Meet editors and board members: The people behind the bylines and will be there to tell you more about who reads, how the editorial process works, and what’s been happening at both the board level and the blog level at We’ll try to answer your questions about, too.

Talk to us: What do you need or want from to help you write? Give us your feedback about the website and how it can evolve. Share anything else you think will help the board carry out the “expand and enhance” mission.

Converse with each other and see what happens.

Questions? You’re interested, but can’t make it to the February 27 Workshop? Take a look at our writers’ page which has some answers, then contact me, Betsey Buckheit (or use the contact form) and we’ll figure things out.


You don’t have to wear a helmet to write for!



Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at