Why streets.mn Matters to Me


Tomorrow, November 17, 2016, is Give to the Max day, and streets.mn is one of the many organizations that generous Minnesotans can support with their donations. If you don’t want to wait, you can actually schedule a gift today that will “count” for tomorrow. Click here to donate now.

Now that the ask is out of the way, here’s WHY you should do it. streets.mn has a mission. We are here to expand and enhance the conversation about transportation and land use through research and informed commentary. As a transportation professional, it’s tempting to think that I know what’s best for the communities with whom I’m working. But that’s not the right way to build public infrastructure. The most important thing for the survival and success of any community is an informed and engaged populace. Sometimes, it can be hard to read criticism of a project that you’ve worked on – but how can we grow if we don’t know what’s wrong?

That’s where streets.mn comes in. The content on this website continues to expand, both in scope and geography (have you seen what Adam Ferrari has been writing about Rochester?).  I feel strongly about the importance of  an informed and engaged public – so much so, that I’ve stepped a little out of my comfort zone to not only write for streets.mn, and serve on the board, but ask you for your money, too.  Click here to donate now.

What do we need your money for? Well, folks, the internet ain’t free. The streets.mn conversation has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, and we are quickly outgrowing our infrastructure. We are specifically asking for donations to help fund a much needed website upgrade. We are also planning to continue to carry out our mission to expand the conversation by encouraging voices that are less represented right now in the content on our site, and also in our decision making including women, people of color, and people outside the Twin Cities metro region. Will you support us in doing that?




Hannah Pritchard

About Hannah Pritchard

Hannah Pritchard is a pedestrian and bicycle engineer at MnDOT. Bicycle commuter, bassoonist, and cat enthusiast, Hannah has been part of the streets.mn board since 2016.