11 Reasons I’ll Attend Thursday’s Fundraiser


The interstate at dusk.

The streets.mn annual fundraiser party is coming up on December 1st! You’re invited to join the party (RSVP here) and in return, please do your part and donate.

Here are a few reasons I donate – add yours in the comments:

  1. I love reading 46+ comment threads, especially the ones parsing “tax levies” and “tax rates,” parking pricing, and avowing “people’s love of cars”
  2. It’s fun to pretend I live in a world where people who bike are #1 normal
  3. streets.mn helped me get results, and it’s my turn to repay the favor
  4. Two hours of hanging out discussing the minutae of SWLRT routing and streetcars vs. ABRT and local land use politics is one of my favorite hobbies
  5. I’ve always wondered what Bill Lindeke and Adam Duininck look like (Ok, so I do know, but I wondered in my pre-streets.mn days)
  6. It’s an excuse to see the inside of one of those fab new luxury towers in downtown I’ve seen discussed for years on the forums
  7. streets.mn taught me how to talk about lane widths and Gehl Door Averages, and I owe streets.mn support in return
  8. I heard last year’s event was streets.mn’s single biggest fundraising event, and I like being part of something BIG
  9. I have ideas on how to make streets.mn better, and on streets.mn membership
  10. Dana‘s convinced me paying an editor and improving the website is important
  11. Maybe not for me – but if you want to learn how you, too, can be a writer, come because conversations are more fun than reading instructions online

Since our humble beginnings in 2012, we’ve grown into an organization with over a hundred writers and thousands of readers across the state, region, and nation. Our mission has been to expand the conversation on land use and transportation issues in the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota, and we hope we’ve done a pretty good job.

Plase support our work!

Come show us your support and your (great) ideas at the streets.mn fundraiser next month, on Thursday, December 1 at 5:30 PM in the garden room of River Towers Condominiums.

Get your tickets here!


An Open Streets event on Lake Street, Minneapolis

About Janne Flisrand

Janne Flisrand spends her time thinking about how people interact with the space around them. Why do they (or don't they) walk or bike or shop somewhere? How do spaces feel? Why do people sit here and not there? Why bus instead of bike, bike instead of drive? What sorts of spaces build community, and what sorts kill it? Can spaces build civic trust and engagement?