Calling all writers! You’re invited to the workshop next Saturday!

streetsmn-logo is calling all writers – current writers and readers who think they’d like to write for (or might like to or have thought about it even just a little bit).

Please come to the 3rd Writers Workshop on Saturday, March 25th from 11:30 am -2:30 pm in Room 445 in Blegen Hall on the University of Minnesota West Bank campus. There will be pizza, too.’s mission is “to expand and enhance the conversation about transportation and land use through research and informed commentary.” Our volunteer writers (and the people who could be writers – yes, you) are what helps us expand the conversation. In 2017, the board aims to include more perspectives and issues, as well as continue conversations already thriving on the site – we need your help to do that!

We’re planning an itinerary similar to last year, plus if you’re feeling inspired we’ll have our post posting experts on site to help you get over the hump and write your first (or first in a while) post right there at the workshop!

At the workshop, you can:

Meet editors and board members: The people behind the bylines will be there to tell you more about who reads, how the editorial process works, and what’s been happening at both the board level and the blog level at We’ll try to answer your questions about, too.

Talk to us:

  • Tell us what you need or want from to help you write.
  • Get your logistics question answered (e.g. how to log in to WordPress)!
  • Help us define and build on the “culture” of

Talk to each other:

  • Get hot tips from current writers on what makes a good post (e.g length, visuals).
  • Try out your post idea in spoken form and get feedback

Write a post:

  • We will talk about stuff, eat some pizza, and then if you’d like to stick around – we’ve got some time set aside at the end to get to work!
  • Bring a laptop/blog-writing device…

Questions? You’re interested, but can’t make it to the March 25 Workshop? Take a look at our writers’ page which has some answers, then contact the chair of our editorial council, Betsey Buckheit (or use the contact form) and we’ll figure things out. And keep an eye out for more regular writers meet-ups in the future…


Hannah Pritchard

About Hannah Pritchard

Hannah Pritchard is a pedestrian and bicycle engineer at MnDOT. Bicycle commuter, bassoonist, and cat enthusiast, Hannah has been part of the board since 2016.