Writer’s block? Check out an event!

Drawing a blank on what to write for streets.mn? Head over to our events calendar for some inspiration.

Our what? Yes, we have an events calendar! A few upcoming events are featured on a sidebar on the right side of the site, or you can click on Events in the top navigation bar to see the full calendar.

If you’re looking for a topic to write about, you could go hear about a planned tiny home village on St. Paul’s East Side this Saturday, learn more about what’s next for development along the Green Line, help celebrate six new broadsides featuring poetry and art on local buses and trains, or find out what’s going on with the ongoing effort to try to get a Midtown Greenway Extension into St. Paul.

Bus placard with an illustration of Prince and a poem

Prince, poetry & art on the bus

The calendar is a subjective snapshot of interesting events related to the streets.mn mission to expand and enhance the conversation about transportation and land use. If you have an event you think we should post, email us the information, including any links to online info.

Heidi Schallberg

About Heidi Schallberg

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Heidi Schallberg tweets @laflaneuse more than she posts here. Her posts reflect only her opinion and not those of any organization.