Join us Friday night for the Red Line Ride!

A few weeks ago, Bill Lindeke, Mike Hicks, and myself toured the Red Line. I’ve taken it a few times before for errands, but never to just explore. It’s an unique mode of transit here in the Twin Cities that tries to be LRT on rails and…well, determine for yourself how well it does this Friday night!

Enjoy level boarding that makes the bus creep into stations! Watch the bus go from station to station on the shoulder!* See suburbia! Enjoy conversation!

And, if nothing else, enjoy a legitimately decent view of the Minnesota River while crossing the Highway 77 bridge over it.

Plus, with a trip to Wild Bill’s at the end, we’ll make sure there’s some fun in it all.

So come out this Friday night, September 8, for a Red Line ride. We’ll start at Mall of America Transit Station at 6:30 PM.

*shoulder running not guaranteed.

Sign at Apple Valley Transit Station

Make sure to be careful on your trip to Apple Valley Transit Station!

Jeb Rach

About Jeb Rach

Born and raised in rural Minnesota, Jeb has been an avid transit geek since he first discovered it trying to save money on parking in the Twin Cities. He now lives in St. Paul and works in Roseville.