Minneapolis Skyline

Chart of the Day: Minneapolis Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Citywide Activities

Via the City of Minneapolis, here is a chart of greenhouse gas emissions from citywide activities.

Minneapolis Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions decreased 3.1% in 2016 compared to the 2015. Increases in emissions from natural gas consumption, solid waste, and wastewater were offset by decreases in emissions from electricity consumption and on-road transportation.

The City adopted goals in April 2018 to achieve 100% renewable electricity for municipal facilities and operations by 2022 and citywide by 2030. Emissions from electricity consumption are the largest share of the City’s output, but are expected to be eclipsed by natural gas by 2020.

The full report is online.

About Julie Kosbab

Julie Kosbab is an online marketing consultant and active transportation advocate living in Anoka County, Minnesota. She was one of Minnesota's only League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructors when certified in 2005, and is no longer lonely in that calling. A past member of the National Bicycle Tour Directors Association, she has 2 children and a garage full of bicycles. Find her on Twitter as @betweenstations, or read her (seldom updated) blog at Ride Boldly!