Author: Julie Kosbab

Julie Kosbab

Julie Kosbab is an online marketing consultant and active transportation advocate living in Anoka County, Minnesota. She was one of Minnesota's only League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructors when certified in 2005, and is no longer lonely in that calling. A past member of the National Bicycle Tour Directors Association, she has 2 children and a garage full of bicycles. Find her on Twitter as @betweenstations, or read her (seldom updated) blog at Ride Boldly!

Map Monday: New Rental Listings on Zillow

Going around on Twitter, housing advocates are sharing maps of various zipcodes showing new rental listings on Zillow within the last 14 days. While we do expect listings to go up in spring, a key factor in this is airBNB markets melting down during COVID-19 travel restriction, both legal and social. Here is Zillow for […]

Map Monday: US Percent without Health Insurance by Congressional District

Today’s map is a timely one in a time of rapidly spreading virus. This map depicts the number of residents by Congressional District without health insurance. Data is sourced from the ACS 2017 5 year data set, and was assembled by MetricMaps. Minnesota is one of the greener states, showing that more people, percentage-wise, have […] Actions Related to COVID-19

Since our founding, has been devoted to community-based discussion of better places in Minnesota. Today, we want to let our readers, supporters and volunteers know how we are adjusting our operations as we face COVID-19. We are closely monitoring developments related to coronavirus and taking specific actions to help protect our volunteers and communities. […]

We Read the Comments: Requiem for a Kmart

When controversy happens… when tempers flare… we read the comments, so you don’t have to. Minneapolis is finally getting rid of that darn Kmart. Now, there is good and bad to that, as it is was a critical store for people nearby. Similar options require more transit or walking. However, Kmart’s also been in a death […]

Chart of the Day: US Fuel Consumption 1999-2018

Via the Federal Highway Administration Twitter account, today’s chart shows US fuel consumption continues to increase year over year. This represents the seventh straight year of increase. Specific information about commercial and personal use by state, including Minnesota, is available at

Help Wanted: Volunteer Editors for has openings for volunteer editors. Responsibilities include: Proofreading text and correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors Reviewing factual correctness of information, such as dates and statistics Checking text for style, readability, and adherence to editorial policies AssistingContributors in formatting articles, particularly images Communicating with Contributors surrounding changes made or suggested, or issues with editorial […]

Festivus 2019: Detours For The Rest of Us

It is time once again to honor Festivus with decor and activities befitting the day, as we do each year. The Festivus Pole We shall start the observance with a pole. While we have done this before and so you may think us lazy, we are going with a bollard once again for our pole, […]

Bonus Map: Uniquely Searched BBQ, By State

It’s not Monday, but in honor of July 4th, we bring you Google‘s look at uniquely searched BBQ sauces, by state: As you can see, Minnesota’s unique search trend is Korean BBQ.  Wisconsin and our Dakotan neighbors want homemade sauce. And Iowa? Sugar free. (All righty then, although part of the point of barbecue sauce […]

Map Monday: Memorial Day Travel Safety

Happy Memorial Day! Today’s map recognizes that not only is this day about recognition of the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military, but also that many travel both in- and out of state for the day. (Three day weekend for white collar workers, amirite?) Based on the NHTSA data the […]