Common Redpoll That is Not Dead

Chart of the Day: Causes of Bird Mortality

Scientists estimate up to 1 billion birds meet untimely demise thanks to illuminated buildings. Light pollution of the airspace is a relatively recent but growing threat to nocturnally migrating birds. Minneapolis ranks among the top 10 cities posing the greatest dangers to birds in this most recent study, authored by researchers at Cornell University, along with cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and St. Louis.

You may wonder, how else do birds die? This 2003 chart from the Sibley Guide to Birds suggests that the life of a bird has many hazards:

Bird Mortality Chart

Windows have long been a source of peril for the modern migratory bird per this 2003 chart of bird mortality.

Numerous buildings in Minnesota participate in the Audubon Society’s Lights Out program each year. Through this program, buildings commit to turning off their lights during spring and fall migration periods between midnight and dawn; participating buildings include the Minnesota Capitol complex, as well as many notable buildings in Minneapolis, the suburbs, Rochester and Duluth. The spring program period goes from March 15 to May 31. This program also conserves energy. Find out more at the Minnesota Audubon Society, and visit BirdCast for daily maps of migration patterns.

About Julie Kosbab

Julie Kosbab is an online marketing consultant and active transportation advocate living in Anoka County, Minnesota. She was one of Minnesota's only League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructors when certified in 2005, and is no longer lonely in that calling. A past member of the National Bicycle Tour Directors Association, she has 2 children and a garage full of bicycles. Find her on Twitter as @betweenstations, or read her (seldom updated) blog at Ride Boldly!