Img 3473’s Summer Picnic Remembered

In case you missed it, last Saturday was a hot and humid one, but under the shade of our pavilion at Boom Island Park, it was perfectly cool for the sixth annual Summer Picnic! Despite the sweltering heat, we had a great turnout – it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces, and a few new ones too!

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On top of a flash membership drive, great food, and even better company, there were yard games and refreshing beverages for those so inclined. A few local celebrities, Minneapolis City Council members were spotted in attendance. Hannah from our board gave a brief update on all things and MPD did NOT show up this year. (Phew.) All-in-all, it was a very enjoyable day and a great mingling of readers, writers, and board/committee members.

We couldn’t have done it without the great help of some very exceptional volunteers who are quite generous with their time and talent. Want to lend a hand next year? As always, if you are interested in lending a hand for events, please reach out to us with the Contact button above. We’d love to have you involved!

If you couldn’t make it out to the picnic, take a look below to see what you missed! Hope you can join us next year.

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Some awesome membership swag and prizes! Sign up to become a member at any time and receive a sweet notepad and water bottle.


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Just enjoying a round of croquet.


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Lou doing a great job on the grill! Thanks, Lou!


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Jenny, Alicia, and Hannah talk all things membership.


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Mingling and deep discussions on all things streets-related.


Img 3526 board and readers keeping cool in the shade.


Img 3473 lookin’ pretty cool in Shelter C!


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