
Femme/Trans/Women/Non-Binary Meet-Up: Friday, August 9th

Our mission here at highlights the value of inclusive conversations, and to that end we are hosting another FTW (femme, trans, women, non-binary) meet-up next week. We want to encourage and sponsor underrepresented voices.


If you identify as femme/trans/woman/non-binary and are reading this post, please consider joining us for a casual meet-up focused on you! We want this event to be led by you, and could include:

  • feedback on your drafts
  • brainstorming ideas for posts
  • technical help with posting
  • your ideas about how to make better
  • time to write up that post you’ve been thinking about
  • getting to know fellow writers/commenters/readers



Friday, August 9th

6:00-8:00 pm

Lowertown Saint Paul (at a cafe with food/drink available)

RSVP at Event Brite for specific location details


Questions? Please contact me at [email protected]


Jenny Werness

About Jenny Werness

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Jenny (she/her) is a carfree, bicycling, tree-loving St. Paul resident, with a Ph.D. in organic chemistry. She believes that our rapidly changing climate should be of utmost concern to all of us. Board of Directors of, 2019-2024; Executive Committee - Content Manager.