Lime Scooters

Review: Lime Gen 3 Electric Scooter 🛴

Lime Gen 3 Electric Scooter In Front Side By Side With Older Model

The new Lime Gen 3 in front and an older model of Lime in rear. Photo: Author

One sunny day, I saw one of Lime’s new Gen 3 electric scooters parked on the plaza near the Guthrie Theater. Lime introduced the Gen 3 in October of 2018, but I haven’t seen any of the new scooters hitting Minneapolis streets until now. Excited to test ride the new model, I took it for a short spin on the plaza and street.

First, the specs. The Gen 3 has larger, 10-inch tires and dual-shock suspension in the front. The ride is far more comfortable over gnarly streets than previous generations. In the chassis sits a larger battery, which Lime claims will give 20 percent farther range. Other features include lower handlebars and a foot brake on the rear tire.

Lime Gen 3 Electric Scooter Dual Front Shock Suspension

The new dual-shock suspension rides on a cloud compared to older models. Photo: Author

Lime has touted the Gen 3’s “unexposed cabling and IP67 waterproofing,” but on close inspection, there were exposed brake lines that could be cut easily by vandals and scooter-haters. If all else fails, you can always use the foot brake in the rear, I suppose.

Lime Gen 3 Electric Scooter Rear Foot Brake

Rear foot brake on the Lime Gen 3. Photo: Author

I took the scooter for a quick, four-minute ride around the Guthrie and Mill City Museum. On the plaza where the farmers market is held, I could make some fun jumps with the suspension and ramps of pavement. As the Gen 3 becomes more widely available, expect to see people bringing them to skateparks or making the sidewalk curb cuts into ramps.

Being a bigger person, my top speed according to the displayed speedometer was 14 mph. At the end of the day, this is a machine that is built to get people from one place to another while using as little battery as possible.

Have you rode the Gen 3? What is your favorite electric scooter? Share your own reviews and wishlists in the comments.

Conrad Zbikowski

About Conrad Zbikowski

Downtown Minneapolis resident covering local issues including parks, transportation, zoning, and development.

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