Orange Line bus at Heart of the City Station in Burnsville

Ride the Orange Line with us on June 11! will be exploring the Orange Line on June 11, and we’d like you to join us!

We’ll be meeting at approximately 2:00 PM at Marquette and 3rd, two blocks from the Nicollet Mall LRT station, and catch the 2:28 PM Orange Line run down to Burnsville’s Heart of the City station. Once there, we plan on heading to Mediterranean Cruise Café for food and conversation before heading back to Minneapolis at our own pace.

If you’d like to join us in Burnsville, we’ll be at Heart of the City station at approximately 3:00 PM, and the restaurant around 3:15 PM.

Looking forward to seeing you on MSP’s newest rapid transit route!

edited to correct date, which is June 11th (Saturday)

Jeb Rach

About Jeb Rach

Born and raised in rural Minnesota, Jeb has been an avid transit geek since he first discovered it trying to save money on parking in the Twin Cities. He now lives in St. Paul and works in Roseville.

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