Walk the Talk: Ride to End ALZ and Fixing Streets

Editor’s note: Walk the Talk is Streets.mn’s carefully curated, highly partisan collection of both serious and fun-loving events, community meetings and opportunities for engagement that we think will interest our readers. Email your ideas to Hawken Habig, one of our daily editors, at [email protected].

Ride to End ALZ — Saturday, October 14

The Ride to End ALZ is coming to Minnesota for the first time! Part of efforts by the Alzheimer’s Association, the Ride to End ALZ seeks to spread awareness and fundraise to end Alzheimer’s, which affects millions of Americans. Participants have the option of choosing between four routes across Elm Creek Park Reserve, open to experienced riders and casual ones. Registrants can sign up to ride in a group or solo, and are committed to fundraising $500 for the fight to end Alzheimer’s in order to participate. Given that the ride is about a week away, those who would like to register and ride but are not sure they can make the minimum fundraising requirement can reach out to the Ride to End ALZ staff for help. More comprehensive details on the ride can be found here — and head to the Alzheimer’s Association’s website as well to learn more about the organization, its work, and other ways to get involved

Highland Park Water Tower Open House — Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 14 –15, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

St. Paul seen from the Highland Park Water Tower. Photo by Fibonacci Blue on Flickr, under CC BY 2.0 DEED.

Ever wondered what it’s like inside the iconic Highland Tower? Now is your opportunity to know: The City of St. Paul opens the water tower to the public twice yearly for an open house, where attendees can explore the historic structure and take in the views of the surrounding landscape. The next of these will be the weekend of October 14, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. The Tower — constructed in 1928 and designed by city architect Clarence “Cap” Wigington — is now decommissioned, and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1986. If that one-sentence historical overview was not sufficient, you can also check out this StoryMap, which covers the historic structure. Additional information on Highland Tower, and the open house, may be found on the City of St. Paul’s website.

Highway 65 Safety Improvement Feedback

If you’ve driven through Columbia Heights recently, you will likely have noticed the new delineators and painted bump-outs lining Central Avenue. The Minnesota Department of Transportation has initiated a test run of safety features along the state highway in an attempt to curb the abundance of auto accidents along the corridor. MnDOT will use data and comments from the result of the test to determine whether permanent changes are in order. This is where you come in! Send a comment to MnDOT officials supporting traffic-calming measures along Central to ensure the road receives much-needed safety improvements (better yet, say they haven’t gone far enough). More information on the project, which has been in development for several years, can be found on MnDOT’s webpage, where you can also find the link to submit comments.

Open Streets Lyndale — Sunday, October 8, 11 a.m.–5 p.m.

We have been promoting Open Streets Minneapolis events throughout this past summer, and now, it is coming to a close for the season (and possibly for good) with a celebration on Lyndale Avenue. Given that the City of Minneapolis will no longer partner or provide funding support for the events — this could be your last your chance to go! During Open Streets, Lyndale will be closed to automobile traffic to allow for pedestrians, cyclists, and plenty of vendors and activities along the route. Find more detailed information here. Organizers have also set up a petition to support next year’s Open Streets. You can hear their pitch and sign the petition here!

About Hawken Habig

Hawken is a student of Urban Studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and a copy editor at Streets.mn. He also composes Streets.mn's bi-weekly event listing "Walk the Talk;" email any ideas for events or opportunities to [email protected]!