Author: Carol Swenson

Carol Swenson

Carol Swenson

I have been organizing Jane's Walks in Saint Paul since 2012, when we hosted the first walk in the St Paul Western Avenue Station area. At the time, I was executive director for the District Councils Collaborative. I'm currently coordinating community engagement in the Dale Street bridge replacement and pedestrian/accessibility improvement project for Summit-University Planning Council. Local history, social and racial justice, landscapes and places have been at the core of my work throughout my career. I'm excited about Jane's Walks because they weave all of these together to foster a sense of community and inspire people to connect to the people and the neighborhoods where they live.

You’re Invited to Jane’s Walk 2018: A Walking Conversation about Saint Paul

Since 2012, Saint Paul residents have been hosting free Jane’s Walks—‘walking conversations’ that get people out exploring their neighborhoods and talking about what matters to them. Jane’s Walks are inspired by the ideas and legacy of urbanist Jane Jacobs, who fought against freeways cutting through neighborhoods and for walkable communities where people know and watch […]

Jane’s Walk Festival Starts this Weekend

Jane Jacobs, neighborhood activist and urbanist, famously wrote that “cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” In this spirit people around the world host “Jane’s Walks” during the first week in May to celebrate their communities and the legacy of Jane Jacobs. These […]