Tag Archives: Van Gogh

Roadkill Bill: Part 3 of Vincent Van Gogh in America

There was a pause last week in the penciling of the second book of Bicyclopolis as I took the opportunity to sketch the re-enactment of the homecoming of Civil War soldiers to Fort Snelling 150 years ago. Now, we return to the tale of Vincent Van Gogh, cloned from a piece of his ear. In today’s comic, Van Gogh refuses […]

Roadkill Bill: Vincent Van Gogh Paints The American Landscape

Roberta and I have returned from our bicycling/sketching trip via Jefferson Lines on the Paul Bunyan Trail and I’m back working on Bicyclopolis. In the meantime, here’s the first installment in a series of RKB comics investigating the complex consequences of cloning famous artists. Click on the comic to make it bigger:

Glow-In-The-Dark Bike Paths?

<Please note: the below post is submitted as part of the sarcasm theme for posts for today and thus has more than a douse of such> More than a year ago, I went on record questioning some unintended consequences of expensive bicycle facilities. I singled out some Minneapolis treatments. While the $1.6 M per mile […]