Friday Photo

Hello Streets.MN Readers,

You were introduced to Joe and I back in March as the Streets.MN Flickr community curators. Starting today, and each Friday following, we’ll have a photo post with images from the community pool. Some posts will be a single image that caught our eye, some will include a story or delve into a particular theme. If you’ve got great images you want to share, be sure to join the Flickr group and submit.


The image above shows the view of the finish line on the Midtown Greenway of the Powderhorn 24 bicycle race. The race began Friday, August 9 starting at 7 p.m. and lasted 24 hours. Riders followed a suggested 5 mile course through multiple checkpoints looping through the South Minneapolis neighborhood, trying to complete as many laps as possible. Check out Powderhorn 24 for additional background.

Photo credit: Michael Lemberger

About Allie

Allie Klynderud is one half of the Flickr moderator team at