A Valentine to the Saint Paul Bike Plan Draft


Dear Saint Paul Bikeways Plan,

Can I call you BP? Great. I know I met you just a few short weeks ago, but I just had to write. I think it’s love at first sight. You had me at “well-connected network”.

The first thing I noticed about you was your optimism. It’s so easy to get down on life – the poor economy, stagnant job growth, a downtown that doesn’t live up to its full potential. But I just know that you’ll help revitalize our downtown.  Small local businesses will think you’re great, and you’ll totally flirt with educated millennials. They all seem to want to live and work in bike-friendly communities!

I get so excited when I think about sharing my favorite summer haunts with you – the farmer’s market, the Science Museum, the Central Library, summer concerts. Just imagine all the people thronging the streets. Every weekend could be like a festival! I adore the way you make our communities more livable.

I’m sure you’ve already met another love of mine, the Green Line. You get along so well with our other transportation networks, I just know we can’t go wrong! I can’t wait to ride my bike to the Green Line, get on the train, and spend a fabulous evening in Minneapolis, without ever worrying about parking.

You make my heart flutter when I think about how much you care about my heart and my health. You can help me slim down my waist and fatten up my wallet!

Your sense of equity and social justice inspires me. You must have heard that 28% of bike trips are taken by people in families making less than $30,000 annually. You cross social, racial, economic, and gender lines. You’re bold and daring in your service to our communities.

I love that you’re there for the people just out to have fun, as well as the people committed to commuting by bike every day. You encourage us to share our love of riding with our friends and families, and I know you’ll bring more people on bikes into our streets.

So, Happy Valentine’s Day, Saint Paul Bikeways Plan. I hope we have a long and wonderful future together!


A Happy City Cyclist

Rebecca Airmet

About Rebecca Airmet

Rebecca is a Twin Cities transplant from the mountain west. She is an editor, writer, and bicycle advocate with Saint Paul Women on Bikes. She enjoys riding fast and far with her husband and nice and easy with her kids.