Author: Rebecca Airmet

Rebecca Airmet

Rebecca Airmet

Rebecca is a Twin Cities transplant from the mountain west. She is an editor, writer, and bicycle advocate with Saint Paul Women on Bikes. She enjoys riding fast and far with her husband and nice and easy with her kids. Sunday Summary logo

Sunday Summary – October 30, 2016

We talk a lot on about what will make our communities and especially our streets safer. We talk a lot about infrastructure, about engineering, and  about laws. Yesterday, as a light drizzle fell, I stopped in my car for a pedestrian waiting at a marked crosswalk on Grand Avenue. I was rear-ended. The other […]

Chart of the Day: Speed Kills

We’ve seen a version of this chart before on, but in light of Pedestrian Safety Awareness Week in St. Paul (August 2nd – August 8th), it bears publishing again. [Source 1: Killing Speed and Saving Lives, UK Dept. of Transportation, London, England. See also Limpert, Rudolph. Motor Vehicle Accident Reconstruction and Cause Analysis. Fourth […]

Transportation Day at the State Capitol

Another big transportation event is happening this week in the Minnesota State Capitol. Sponsored and organized by Transit for Livable Communities and Move MN, Thursday, February 12 is Transportation Day of Action. The main event of the day will be a march from the National Guard Armory (600 Cedar Street) to the State Capitol. Supporters can […]

Aging Baby Boomers Could Help Push Walkable Infrastructure

America’s population is aging. Nearly a quarter of the population, 76 million people, were born between 1946 and 1974, and an estimated 10,000 baby boomers reach traditional retirement age every single day. It turns out that walking is an incredibly popular form of exercise for this age cohort. Walking is low impact, has zero entry […]

Saint Paul Healthy Transportation for All: A Growing Reality

This coming Saturday, October 25th, elected leaders, transportation officials, business leaders, non-profit groups, community leaders, and transportation enthusiasts from around St Paul and the metro area will come together for a first-of-its-kind event: a day-long convening “designed to educate, engage and empower Saint Paul residents from diverse backgrounds to play an active role in shaping […]