The Walking Revolution

The Walking Revolution – 2013

A 30-minute documentary film that’s guaranteed to get you walking, The Walking Revolution explores the tremendous changes a regular walking routine can make in your life and your community.

Our cities were once designed on a human scale. As more and more people took to the roads, the suburbs quickly became the new frontier. The result: urban sprawl so expansive it could not be walked in a single day. The impact on the human body has been devastating. Our days are spent sitting at our desk, in our cars, and on the couch. We were not made to sit around all day.

After 75 years of planning that produces a sedentary lifestyle, a radical redesign of our cities and open space has begun. Parks and paths are making a comeback to create truly walkable communities through partnerships between local residents, businesses, developers, municipalities, urban planners and health care providers.

The health benefits of walking are numerous. A regular walking routine of 30-minutes a day, five days a week can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, depression, and some cancers. Take 30 minutes to watch the film then, take a 30 minute walk. It will be the best hour of the day.

Matty Lang

About Matty Lang

Matty Lang has been interested in land use, transportation, and cities since he fell in love with Paris, France while studying there in 1998-1999. He is a filmmaker living in Minneapolis. He loves film, bicycling, and basketball. Follow him: Vimeo | @MattyLangMSP | Facebook