Today’s map shows Minneapolis neighborhoods by their overall health — defined not only as the health of its residents, but also of the neighborhood’s environment, economy, schools, social institutions, housing, transportation, and safety. (View detailed rankings here and search by address here.)
The map was created using data from the Healthy Communities Assessment Tool (HCAT), which was launched last year as part of a three-year pilot involving Minneapolis, San Diego, Albuquerque and Providence. Funded by HUD, the initiative began in 2013 to help communities create a reliable tools for targeting resources. Project leaders consulted community stakeholders and considered more than 200 possible indicators before selecting 42 to be part of the index.
The results are preliminary. Stakeholders are now testing the tool on various projects to see what changes might be made to the index itself or the functionality of the website. Stakeholders include neighborhood groups, local government, schools and healthcare organizations. The pilot will wrap up this summer.