Category: Maps

Metropolitan Opera House and Palace Court, 1914

No Use for a Name: The Untold Story of Alley Identity and Utility in Minneapolis’ Palace Court

(The photograph above, showing the Metropolitan Opera House and Palace Court, was taken by C.J. Hubbard in 1914, Minnesota Historical Society) Historical and contemporary Minneapolis is not particularly known for its public alleys. They have served a more discreet role in the lives of Minneapolitans, unsung for getting private vehicles off city streets. Of course, […]

Map Monday: Minneapolis/Saint Paul Without the River Border

I wrote once before about Peter Gorman’s work, Barely Maps, which was inspired by a cross-country circumnavigating bike ride. I finally got a copy of the book and enjoyed it. Here’s his minimalist map of Minneapolis/Saint Paul, about which Gorman writes: “If you zoom in a few miles south of the headwaters of the Mississippi, […]

Hennepin Avenue: A Parable of Road Design in America

It’s possible you’ve heard this joke before: A motorist, a pedestrian, and a bicyclist are sitting at a table that has a dozen cookies on it. The motorist grabs 11 of the cookies and when the other two are reaching for what they each assumed was their cookie, the motorist exclaims: “Watch out! The bicyclist […]