bracket final two

streets.m(ad)n(ess) Championship – (1) Green Line vs. (2) Thrive MSP 2040 bracket final two

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Hello and welcome back to the last and final and sixth round of streets.m(ad)n(ess), where you, the reader, get to vote on your very favorite happenings in the world of Twin Cities urbanism. We’re here in the home stretch of our tournament, which has seen highs, lows, cats, and the controversial update of a photo on the Ward 3 website. Jim, as we wrap up, tell me what you’d put on the streets.m(ad)n(ess) highlight reel.

Well you know Nick, I’ve got to say that I’ve just been really, consistently impressed our readers’ choices with these categories–being readers of, they’re going to be some of the best informed Minnesotans anywhere when it comes to land use and transportation topics. And hey, do you enjoy’s shareable charts, extinguishing of flaming hot takes, and hard-hitting emoji analysis? Consider joining today–you could get a snazzy decal!

Yeah yeah yeah. Well, I thought 1 seed Holidazzle Market being upset by an 8 seed was just a real shocker–an upset for the ages. I also loved the two squeakers that 3 seed Hennepin/Lyndale Bottleneck Rebuild survived, both times at 50.3%, before being taken down by the Green Line in the semi-finals.

What a run that was, Nick.

If nominated, they’ll have their chance next year, as construction doesn’t actually start for a bit. So let’s take a quick look back at the semi-finals before getting into our last competition.

Development & Transportation

  • (1) Green Line (75%) over (3) Midtown Greenway Transformation (25%)

Policy & Potpourri

  • (2) Thrive MSP 2040 (64%) over (4) Open Streets Expansion (36%)

Can’t say either of those are huge shockers, Jim.

Seems clear cut to me–so I guess the big question facing us now is whether or not the interns who worked on Thrive MSP 2040 will again be tasked with voting and deleting their cookies and voting again to claim the–

–well okay now Jim, those are unfounded accusations spread by, according to some, by Big ADU, and until we have concrete proof, I’d prefer we stay out of it. I think it’s safe to say that of the thousands of votes we’ve tallied, many of them were not from unpaid interns.


Cheer up, Jim, you’re but one of my many split personalities! It’s a party in there! So let’s get down to it here. Here it is: your final ballot of streets.m(ad)n(ess), brought to you by Microsoft Paint–now that’s Microsoft Paint: You’ve Probably Got It.

(1) Green Line vs. (2) Thrive MSP 2040

Well, well, well, funny that we find ourselves here at the end of our little game. The Green Line–that was a given. Out of everything on the right side of the bracket, I guess Thrive MSP 2040 really is pretty high up there, voting irregularities aside. Perhaps what we need is a chart to accurately assess our two finalists. This chart is brought you by Microsoft Excel in conjunction with Microsoft Paint, our title sponsor.

Green Line vs. Thrive MSP 2040 Chart


This poll will remain open until 8 PM CST on Friday, April 10.

Previous rounds:

Nick Magrino

About Nick Magrino

Nick Magrino grew up all over the place but has lived in the Loring Park neighborhood of Minneapolis longer than anywhere else. He has a new cat, Sweater, and does not use hashtags at @nickmagrino. He is probably on a bus right now.