Chart of the Day: Fine Particle Concentration, July 4th vs. Control

Via Bob Collins at MPR, here’s a chart showing fine particle pollution in air for July 4th compared to an average control day:

fireworks chart

Particulate matter is an easy thing to forget about unless it’s not.

For other great 4th of July content, check out some of the fine 4th of July stories from past years…


Rockport, MA

East Side of Saint Paul

Stone Arch Bridge, Minneapolis

Rondo Neighborhood, Saint Paul

Bill Lindeke

About Bill Lindeke

Pronouns: he/him

Bill Lindeke has writing blogging about sidewalks and cities since 2005, ever since he read Jane Jacobs. He is a lecturer in Urban Studies at the University of Minnesota Geography Department, the Cityscape columnist at Minnpost, and has written multiple books on local urban history. He was born in Minneapolis, but has spent most of his time in St Paul. Check out Twitter @BillLindeke or on Facebook.