Group Outing to the History Center’s Suburbia Exhibit

Minnesota Housewife

Mrs. Minnesota, Betty Bach, 1958 from the Minnesota Historical Society Collections

Do you like thinking and talking about land use and history? What a silly question, of course you do. Well, we’re having a outing and you should come.

The Minnesota History Center recently opened a new exhibit called Suburbia. Through an exploration of building, living, and shopping in the suburbs, “guests are invited to look back and reflect on the successes and failures of Suburbia and what’s in store for the future.” Sounds neat, right?

WHAT: Group outing to the Suburbia exhibit.

WHERE: Minnesota History Center at 345 W. Kellogg Blvd in St. Paul.

WHEN: Tuesday, November 17th at 6pm.

WHO: Everyone is welcome.

COST: Free on Tuesdays! We might do a drink with appetizers afterwards.

HOW DO I GET THERE? I’ll be biking over from Minneapolis so you can join me if you’d like, comment here or on Twitter to stay on the loop. Otherwise, it’s right on the Green Line [Capitol/Rice Street stop].


[Facebook event here.]

Lindsey Wallace

About Lindsey Wallace

Lindsey Wallace is a diehard Minnesotan and an enthusiastic pedestrian and bicyclist. Armed with a master's degree in public health and a bicycle, she pedals the city observing how the built environment impacts healthy choices. Lindsey works for Minneapolis City Council Member Lisa Bender and is the City Council representative on the Pedestrian Advisory Committee. When not dreaming up a future bike utoptia, Lindsey cooks dinner for friends, sews her own clothes, walks her dog, and talks to folks about biking which she writes about at