Author: Lindsey Wallace

Lindsey Wallace

Lindsey Wallace

Lindsey Wallace is a diehard Minnesotan and an enthusiastic pedestrian and bicyclist. Armed with a master's degree in public health and a bicycle, she pedals the city observing how the built environment impacts healthy choices. Lindsey works for Minneapolis City Council Member Lisa Bender and is the City Council representative on the Pedestrian Advisory Committee. When not dreaming up a future bike utoptia, Lindsey cooks dinner for friends, sews her own clothes, walks her dog, and talks to folks about biking which she writes about at

Biking Mama: An Interview

I sat down with Sarah Tschida and her daughter, Willa, to talk about her role on the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition’s board, her experience of biking as a parent, and how we can support new parents and encourage them to bike with their kids.  Biking in Mpls: Tell me a little about how you got into biking. […]

Lowry Hill East Rezoning Community Meeting Tomorrow

As has been written about here already, the City of Minneapolis is currently considering changes to the zoning in the northern portion of the Lowry Hill East neighborhood. Council Member Lisa Bender and the Lowry Hill East Neighborhood Association are planning a community meeting about this project for September 7th (tomorrow!) from 6:00 to 7:30pm. This meeting will be an […]

The Rules of the Road

It can be hard to figure out what the hell you should be doing out there in the vast wilderness of traffic. People get angry about pretty much every behavior. Someone will get mad at you for following the law precisely, while someone else gets mad that you harmlessly break the law. Car-driving commenters love to rail about […]

How Language Choices Blame the Victim

I was in a fury last week after learning that someone killed a Minneapolis child with their car on Halloween. First, I was angry that this happened at all. Halloween is the deadliest day of the year by far for children walking. Just this Halloween alone, 4 people were killed and 7 were injured around […]

Group Outing to the History Center’s Suburbia Exhibit

Do you like thinking and talking about land use and history? What a silly question, of course you do. Well, we’re having a outing and you should come. The Minnesota History Center recently opened a new exhibit called Suburbia. Through an exploration of building, living, and shopping in the suburbs, “guests are invited to look back […]

Let’s Put Those Tired, Anti-Bike Arguments to Rest

It’s inevitable. Every local news article that mentions biking, no matter how fluffy or non-controversial the article, will incite hordes of angry commenters to bring up the same tired, disproven arguments over and over again. It’s time we put those to rest. Cyclists don’t obey the rules of the road. This is probably the most frequent […]

Trail Users Shouldn’t Have to Stop

Can we have an honest conversation about stop signs for trail users? I take the Greenway from Whittier to St. Louis Park every weekday, and one of the very worst parts of my commute is where I cross Humboldt and Irving avenues, as illustrated below: I bet you can guess why: it’s because of those […]