Margaret Street Closure Test Preps for Grand Round

Until recently, whenever I heard the term “grand round” scenic bikeway, I automatically thought about the Minneapolis trail system that goes by a very similar name. I probably heard the term “Saint Paul Grand Round” before I realized it was related to the trail system in Saint Paul that connects Shepard Road, the Mississippi River Blvd, Pelham/Raymond, Como Ave, Wheelock Parkway, and Johnson Parkway.

Getting ready for a group ride

I admit some guilt in not being able to keep up with all of the bike infrastructure improvements in Saint Paul, having lived in downtown Saint Paul for 10 years and focused on my small footprint in a very large city (hey, I grew up on a dirt road 40 miles northwest of St Paul). Since moving to the East Side earlier this year and being a first-time homeowner, my awareness of the Saint Paul’s trail system as a whole has dramatically expanded. So has my advocacy for bike infrastructure on the East Side.

City staff Reuben Collins provides background and future developments for Margaret Street

When bike advocates asked me, “Have you heard about the developments for Margaret Street?”, I’d give them a blank look. “Yeah, it’s an official bikeway east of downtown, north of 94. It’s a street that will potentially close on either side of Johnson Parkway, and it will give access from downtown and 7th Street to the not-yet-fully-developed Grand Rounds trail system.” I perked up, knowing that the East Side sorely needs bike infrastructure, but also because I’ve been biking on Johnson Parkway quite a bit over the past few months. Road traffic is fairly predictable, the bike lane is decently wide, and the road/bike lane surface (at least north of 94) is smooth. It’s not very hilly and there isn’t a lot of turning traffic, meaning I can bike 15-20 miles an hour in between traffic signals, ideal for bike commuting. Needless to say, I’ve learned a lot about the Margaret Street project in a short period of time.

Riders easily chat and bike on this quiet road.

What I didn’t know is that the Margaret Street Bikeway pavement markings and signage were installed in 2014. I started riding on them for the first time in 2017, and remarked to myself, “this is pretty nice. Why haven’t I noticed this street before?” I also didn’t know (until recently) that traffic calming circles are being installed along Margaret Street, to slow down traffic and let pedestrians and bicyclists get through intersections more safely.

Earlier in October, Margaret Street temporarily closed on either side of Johnson Parkway for a test closure. According to the city of Saint Paul’s website, “to enhance the future trail along Johnson Parkway, one option being considered is to close some of the gaps in the median, including the gap at Margaret, so that cars can no longer cross Johnson Parkway at Margaret….If the test is successful, the closure will be made permanent in 2018.”

I love the reasons the city provides these benefits if the closure is permanent on their website:

  • Improve safety for all by reducing conflicts between pedestrians or bikers and vehicles turning at the intersection
  • Creating a longer more continuous green space in the median
  • Reduce stormwater runoff
  • Beautify the neighborhood
  • Reduce the number of roadway crossings for the planned trail

My city council member, CM Jane Prince, recently contacted me and a few other bike advocates/interested riders and asked us if we wanted to join her for a group ride on Margaret Street. We could ride through the test closure area together and bike along Margaret Street. Many of us agreed, and about 8 of us met with Jane and her husband David Murphy. We met on an overcast afternoon on October 14. With 10 of total on the ride, (including two of us on an electric-assist bicycle, and a very quiet but inquisitive mini-rider), we headed east particularly to note where the future traffic calming circles would be installed. We rode to McKnight Road and we heard updates from staff member Reuben Collins about future developments for McKnight Road. I am especially pleased that longer-term future projects include my direct neighborhood on McKnight south of Lower Afton Road. Finally, the East Side (specifically the southeast portion) is getting some desperately needed bike amenities!

Heading back west on Margaret Street, we were eying the sky, knowing that a downpour was looming. I admittedly bailed on the rest of the ride when we got back to Johnson Parkway, but the remaining brave riders continued west for some time as heavy raindrops began to fall. Bicyclists waved and thanked me for joining them on the ride. I thanked Jane and others for the opportunity to meet and discuss these developments and to hear about any major complaints so far. As of the ride on October 14, there had been none. For once, I happily biked home in the cold rain.

There’s a public meeting on November 9 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at Our Savior Lutheran Church (674 Johnson Parkway) for people to hear additional updates and provide feedback about the test closure.  You can provide feedback now by phone or email. On the signs and on the website, the city welcomes comments, compliments and complaints. “We would like to hear your feedback on the median extensions. You can provide feedback by calling: 651-266-6059 or emailing [email protected].”

I have yet to contact the city about my positive feedback about the Margaret Street test closure. I happily road with my city council member on a “test” ride and wrote this article instead. Okay, that’s probably not a fully valid excuse. Reuben, I’ll email you soon.

Reuben brought his daughter out for the rider. She LOVED it!

Side note, according to the city of Saint Paul website, the concept of the Saint Paul Grand Round was “envisioned in the late 1800’s.” When we Saint Paulites complain about the lack of bike infrastructure development or how L-O-N-G it takes to have improvements become a realty, we truly do have something to complain about.

Melissa Wenzel

About Melissa Wenzel

Car-free bicycle advocate, passionate state employee, union leader. MN's "Industrial Stormwater Sherpa." Human being first, government employee second.