Please Share Your Thoughts about the Lyndale and Lake Intersection

In response to the City of Minneapolis Pedestrian Crash Study, the Pedestrian Work Group for Our Streets Mpls is profiling some of the most dangerous intersections.

I’ve chosen to write about Lake Street & Lyndale Avenue and I want to gather people’s stories for my submission. Please consider adding your voice and inviting others to do the same by filling out and sharing this short survey.

If you’re interested in writing about one of the dangerous intersections, please contact Our Streets Mpls. Perhaps when you read the words “Pedestrian Work Group” you wondered how to get involved. Wonder no more! Fill out this form and you’ll be welcomed to join the next meeting.
Thank you for helping me represent a choir of voices (or at least a quartet) about the pedestrian experience at Lake and Lyndale!
[Click on image for link to survey!]
Janelle Nivens

About Janelle Nivens

Janelle is an urban explorer who likes to challenge herself to walk long distances (40 miles is her record). She lives in southwest Minneapolis with Scott and their adorable dog Stewie and works at the University of Minnesota. Janelle documents what catches her eye on long walks in hopes of inspiring others to discover hidden gems in their own communities. Walk with her on Instagram, Twitter (@Janellie23), and FitBit.