Minnesota State Fair

My Annual Minnesota State Fair Experience

Minnesota State Fair

For the last however many years I ride my bike from my Prospect Park Neighborhood to Como Avenue, then park my bike in a bike corral next to an entrance near Snelling Avenue. A bike corral volunteer hands me a two-part numbered tag that I put on my bike, then I buy my State Fair ticket and head for the Fine Arts Building. The art is truly democratic – ranging from the generic farm field sunset view to the “Why isn’t this art work in MIA?”

I walk by the now greatly diminished Machinery Hill, past bright red farm equipment. When I grew up in Brainerd, my parents and our neighbors all grew up on farms in Crow Wing County, and a highlight of their summer was motoring down to “the cities” to worship at Machinery Hill’s machines of might. Pointing to a brand new green John Deere tractor, one of them would mention, ”We sure as hell didn’t have anything like that on the farm!”

I head for the Wine Building. I pay ten bucks for a cardboard cutout in the shape of the State of Minnesota that has four holes for 2 ounce plastic cups of Minnesota wines. Offered choices are all white, all red and a mix of the two that includes a rosé. After finishing my sampling cups. I buy a 6 ounce cup of the wine I like the best.

Back through the gate, I take my bike and hand a volunteer my tag, then blow my breath near him and ask, “Am I under point zero eight?”

Riding back home, another State Fair is under my belt. A few days later , I’ll read a New York Times article about a newsworthy event that happened at the Minnesota State Fair in Minneapolis.

About Robert Roscoe

“A camera teaches you how to see without a camera.” Dorothea Lange My professional experience includes over 36 years of architectural office experience, with the last 21 years as principal of Design For Preservation. My education includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History, and five years at the School of Architecture, University of Minnesota. I served 21 years on the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission and I have written articles for Architecture Minnesota, a publication of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. I have given lectures on preservation architecture at the University of Minnesota School of Architecture and various public forums. Art photography is a main avocation for me, focusing on capturing images of abandoned parts of the built environment, and I have been featured in several art exhibitions. I have co-authored a book on County Catholic Churches and am the author of the book Milwaukee Avenue – Community Renewal in Minneapolis. Also, I am editor of the infrequently published Journal of American Rocket Science.

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