
Why Give Money to

Hello readers.

By now I am sure you are aware we are holding our annual Winter Fundraiser on Wednesday, December 19th (purchase tickets here). While is fortunate to count many among you as supporters, it is entirely possible some of you are asking “Why should I give money to”

Let me answer this question for you.

Because of our generous supporters, has been able to accomplish many important objectives in 2018:

First, as one of the leaders facilitating conversations surrounding the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan, provided a forum for every opinion on this vital plan for the future of land use in Minneapolis. The conversation around the Minneapolis 2040 Plan highlighted why exists. We trust you were able to form and express a more informed opinion of the Minneapolis 2040 plan because of the conversations facilitated by also implemented our first-ever writer’s survey in 2018, fielding responses from over 125 current and former contributors. We used the results of our writer’s survey to implement a writer’s calendar, improve the writer on-boarding process and begin to plan events so our writers can meet and collaborate in person.

Another important accomplishment achieved in 2018 was revising our mission and values statements. Doing so involved a lengthy process of community engagement, writing and revising drafts and final board approval. Because of the efforts of supporters like you, we have crafted a wonderful new mission and values statement we are proud to embrace.

The board of also formed an Events Committee in 2018, to build community by providing our readers and  writers with more opportunities to meet up in person. In 2018, hosted four happy hours, a Ride-the-A-Line event and also tabled at two Open Streets Minneapolis events. In addition to these shared experiences , also hosted our three annual events–a Writer’s Workshop, the Summer Picnic and the Winter Fundraiser.

The board of is proud of our accomplishments in 2018. As a young organization we look back on 2018 with a great sense of pride at what our supporters have enabled us to accomplish, while understanding we have room to grow in 2019

With the financial help of supporters like you, we will continue to evolve as an organization in 2019 by hosting more events to build community, broadening our reach to non-metro Minnesota, continuing to identify barriers and implementing a plan to attract more underrepresented groups to the community, developing a volunteer support and appreciation approach, a more focused approach on integrating the forums, providing more editorial training to our contributors and continuing to implement recommendations from our 2018 writer’s survey.

Our main focuses in 2018 will be a rebuild of the website. We aim to implement a new design, while adding new features on the back end that will allow for a more user-friendly experience. Redesigning our website incurs added costs to our budget and your support will go a long way towards helping us meet these costs.

The numbers indicate support for continues to grow, and we intend to continue evolving as an organization in 2019. To do so, we need the financial support of people like you–individuals interested in fostering positive connections and inclusive conversations about better places in Minnesota.

 Please consider supporting us in one of the following ways:

  • Attend the Winter Fundraiser on Wednesday, December 19th. (ticket)
  • Join as a sustaining member (if you join at the Winter Fundraiser, you receive a bonus member gift)
  • Bring cash with you to the Winter Fundraiser, so you can bid on unique items offered through our silent auction
  • Make a one-time, tax-deductible donation to, either at the Winter Fundraiser or here.

The board of thanks you for all of your support in 2018. We look forward to seeing you at the Winter Fundraiser on Wednesday, December 19th (purchase tickets here) and we cannot wait for another year of growth and community building in 2019.

We also wish to thank the Presenting Sponsor of our Winter Fundraiser, Pentz Homes. Their support helps us to amplify the work we are doing.

Pentz Homes Business Card D3 Page 001

Tim Brackett

Co-Chair, Events Committee

About Tim Brackett

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Tim Brackett (he/him) has been on the board of since 2018, and is currently chair of the Anti-Racism committee. Tim recently graduated from Metro State University, where he studied Advocacy and Political Leadership as a Social Science major. He is committed to engaging communities and working collaboratively to build safe, equitable and sustainable transportation choices for everyone. Tim loves live music, exploring the North Shore, and enjoying tacos and beers at a local taproom with his wife (Kari) and dog (Marla).