Img 0271 Greenway Clean-up Follow-Up

Last weekend, a group of us from gathered to clean up the Midtown Greenway in Minneapolis. We lucked out with gorgeous weather (65 and sunny!), and a good turnout despite many other events going on in the Twin Cities that day. A huge thank you to everyone who came out!

We met near the Urban Ventures farm at 4th Ave S and the Greenway. The surrounding area is heavily under construction these days, requiring some strategy for how to reach the location. All part of the adventure!

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Adding to the fun was an optional scavenger hunt, which challenged us to find all types of garbage – cans and bottles, bike parts, even a spork.

We had a nice time chatting while we moved along the Greenway, swapping stories when we found something especially interesting or unusual. Plenty of bikers passing by called out to us, “thanks!” Unfortunately, we had our work cut out for us – there is a LOT of trash out there!

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Midtown Greenway Coalition generously provided supplies for our group including 12 large garbage bags. By the time we finished, all the bags were full! All in all, we collected roughly 200 pounds of garbage.

After our hard work, we headed up to the Midtown Global Market to enjoy some conversation, food, and beverages at Eastlake Craft Brewery.

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Thanks again to everyone who joined us, and to the Midtown Greenway Coalition! Next time you’re on the Greenway, keep a close eye and see if you can spot where we cleaned up.