A miniature stone house with a green roof covered in yellow-green Sedum.

Miniature Garden Tour of Saint Paul

As an avid miniature gardener, I try to keep an eye out for other miniature gardens when I see them in public places. I’ve toyed with the idea of trying to organize a miniature garden tour, but I don’t think I will ever get it together since I’m too shy to go knock on strangers’ doors.

So I thought… why not a virtual miniature garden tour by posting photos on streets.mn?

Here are some you can find in Saint Paul:

  • A miniature stone house with a green roof covered in yellow-green Sedum.

I’m sure there are a lot more out there.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to make the public parts of a garden into a pleasurable place for other people to enjoy, whether it’s a miniature garden or regular-sized!

Pat Thompson

About Pat Thompson

Pat Thompson is cochair of the St. Anthony Park Community Council's Transportation Committee, a member of Transition Town - All St. Anthony Park, and a gardener in public and private places. She is a member of the streets.mn Climate Committee.

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