Walk the Talk: Nicollet Redesign, Boost the Bus

Editor’s note: Walk the Talk is Streets.mn’s carefully curated, highly partisan collection of both serious and fun-loving events, community meetings and opportunities for engagement that we think will interest our readers. Email your ideas to Hawken Habig, one of our daily editors, at [email protected].

Vision Zero Action Plan Public Comment — Thursday, December 1, 6 p.m.

Minneapolis Vision Zero Action Plan 2023-2025

Minneapolis has released a new draft of the Vision Zero Action Plan for 2023-2025 and is seeking public comment. Vision Zero is an initiative that aims to eliminate traffic deaths, and Minneapolis’ draft plan includes strategies such as street conversions, bump-outs and more medians. You can submit your feedback online through this form through December 11 or attend a virtual open house on Thursday, December 1 at 6 p.m, which you can learn more about here.

2022 Transportation Summit: What is Mobility Justice? — Wednesday, November 30, 8-11 a.m.

Several Twin Cities transportation organizations are partnering to bring you the 2022 Transportation Summit, focusing on mobility justice and equity in transportation. The event will include a breakfast provided by Breaking Bread Catering, followed by several local speakers and a keynote address by Los Angeles-based activist and filmmaker Yolanda Davis-Overstreet. It will begin at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, November 30 at The Hennepin Center in downtown Minneapolis. The summit is free, but registration is required: do so and learn more here.

Move Minnesota Boost the Bus Events — November 21, 29; and December 1

Boost the Bus: For Better, Faster Transit.

Move Minnesota will host several events over the next few weeks as part of their Boost the Bus campaign advocating against Metro Transit’s continued service cuts. The series will kick off at Move Minnesota’s office at 2446 University Ave. W. in St. Paul with Poster Making & Advocate Prep on Monday, November 21, at 6:30 p.m., and will continue with a phone bank on Tuesday, November 29, at 6 p.m. The main rally will take place outside Metro Transit’s Heywood Garage on Thursday, December 1. Learn more about the events on Move Minnesota’s website, and remember to RSVP if you plan on attending any one of them!

New Nicollet Redevelopment Survey — Through Saturday, December 31

The old Kmart that intersects Nicollet Avenue. Photo courtesy of the City of Minneapolis.

The infamous Nicollet Avenue Kmart site may finally meet its long-awaited demise as Minneapolis seeks to redevelop the property and reintegrate Nicollet back into the street grid. The city assumed control of the site in 2020, but redevelopment was put off in light of that year’s many disruptions to business as usual. Now, the project is entering its first phase of development and the city is soliciting the community’s feedback through an online survey. Development will continue through next year as the city releases initial drafts for the site’s design and layout.

Photo at top courtesy of the City of Minneapolis

About Hawken Habig

Hawken is a student of Urban Studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and a copy editor at Streets.mn. He also composes Streets.mn's bi-weekly event listing "Walk the Talk;" email any ideas for events or opportunities to [email protected]!