Walk the Talk: Nicollet Avenue and I-94 Updates

Editor’s note: Walk the Talk is Streets.mn’s carefully curated, highly partisan collection of both serious and fun-loving events, community meetings and opportunities for engagement that we think will interest our readers. Email your ideas to Hawken Habig, one of our daily editors, at [email protected].

Shifting Transportation in Minneapolis Webinar — Wednesday, November 1, 12:30–1:30 p.m.

Join Move Minneapolis in welcoming transportation planners from the Metropolitan Council, Metro Transit and the City of Minneapolis for a webinar covering Transportation Demand Management (TDM). TDM refers to strategies used to optimize transportation efficiency; guests will cover the concept in depth by linking it to recent efforts to re-balance transportation systems through increased mobility options. The event is free but registration is required. More information may be found here.  

New Nicollet Redevelopment Survey

An illustration of a street design alternative for New Nicollet. Courtesy of the City of Minneapolis

The effort to reopen Nicollet Avenue at Lake Street continues apace — so much so, in fact, that Minneapolis has now sped up the process by moving to (an unforeseen) demolition. In the project’s latest step, city officials unveiled street design alternatives for New Nicollet, the project focused on re-opening the thoroughfare currently blocked by the shell of a defunct Kmart (which recently burned). Alternatives include a panoply of design options, variably including medians, parking or transit lanes. The city is now seeking feedback on the designs through a public survey. Given the importance of Nicollet Avenue for the city, getting street design right is a highly consequential step in the process — so make sure to express your support for a high-quality alternative!

Sign up for MnDOT Library Alerts

Looking to stay up-to-date on all things transportation? Look no further than the MnDOT’s Library Alerts! MnDOT has its own publicly available library in St. Paul, where the department curates a diverse selection of transportation journals, books, articles and more. Also available is the Library Alerts system, whereby participants receive periodic emails on a number of transportation-related subjects, containing links to articles and resources that chronicle the latest developments in transportation. It is a useful resource for those looking to stay on top of transportation news across the country and here in Minnesota. Head to MnDOT’s library webpage to sign up.

Last Chance for Rethinking I-94 Survey — Complete by Tuesday, October 31

Here is your friendly reminder that the alternatives survey for MnDOT’s Rethinking I-94 project will close at the end of this month! The much-discussed initiative seeks to “rethink” the I-94 corridor between Minneapolis and St. Paul, with possibilities including lane re-configurations, boulevard conversions or freeway expansions. The Minnesota Department of Transportation is seeking feedback on the diverse set of alternatives via a survey through the end of this month. Don’t miss the opportunity to aid MnDOT in its public engagement campaign and advocate for a forward-thinking alternative.

About Hawken Habig

Hawken is a student of Urban Studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and a copy editor at Streets.mn. He also composes Streets.mn's bi-weekly event listing "Walk the Talk;" email any ideas for events or opportunities to [email protected]!