Author: Kris Brogan

Kris Brogan

Kris Brogan lives in the Camden neighborhood, where she owned a business with her family for seven years. She has worked as a housing and community development professional for 30 years in neighborhoods throughout Minneapolis. She was also a former housing and economic development aide to Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, and worked on projects including the redevelopment of the Mill District and St. Anthony Main, the Hiawatha Avenue, Lake Street, and Franklin Avenue transit corridors, and the establishment of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

Don’t Leave North Minneapolis Out of Parking Reform

After having worked in the for-profit, non-profit, and government arenas, I have seen great progress, great ideas, and great mistakes. I believe that the parking ordinance change that has been presented to the Minneapolis City Council is a great idea, making progress in development of walkable, bikeable, safe, healthy communities. But a proposed amendment to keep the […]