Tag Archives: lake calhoun

Spring Migration at Lake Calhoun

We may live in the city, but nature, though often drowned out, is still there and capable of putting on a show. I live near Lake Calhoun and this is spring migration season. This year the birds are coming through, and in greater numbers than usual. We had an early thaw this year, but normally […]

Sunday Summary – June 28, 2015

While your Sunday Summarizer is traveling streets far from Minnesota, the miracles of technology mean I can keep you up to speed on what’s happening on streets.mn so you can get back to summer and Independence Day celebration planning more quickly and better informed. In the news Hennepin Avenue Bridge: On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, […]

Yeah, We Should Rename Lake Calhoun

Like previous mass shootings, last week’s terrorist attack in Charleston, SC left me–and the rest of the country–heartbroken. What was even worse in my mind is that in the year 2015, even with the apparent progress that this country has made on the race relations front, there are individuals out there that still hate fellow humans […]