AAA Jaywalking Film: “Dick Wakes Up” 1954

Earlier this week, contributor Janne Flisrand wrote a popular post questioning why complete strangers sometimes freely offer their negative perceptions about people who ride bicycles on city streets. Most of the comment thread focused on a back and forth over the relative severity of the problem of people disobeying the law while riding bicycles or driving cars. I had a different reaction to the security guard in Janne’s story questioning the legitimacy of people riding bicycles on city streets:

This phenomenon is a lingering effect of the massive PR campaign to create the Other–anyone who’s not driving a car–that was necessary for motorists to gain access to public streets in the first place.

This short film produced by the American Automobile Association in 1954 is an example of a product of the PR campaign I wrote about in my comment.

Matty Lang

About Matty Lang

Matty Lang has been interested in land use, transportation, and cities since he fell in love with Paris, France while studying there in 1998-1999. He is a filmmaker living in Minneapolis. He loves film, bicycling, and basketball. Follow him: Vimeo | @MattyLangMSP | Facebook