Sunday Summary – September 7, 2014

sunday-summary-logoPerhaps writers are busy back at school, because it was a pretty light week.  Here’s all the news sliced, diced and summarized:

Audio/visual department: MnDOT Multimodal Plan Video Asks Tough Questions asks one question – “What is multimodal transportation?” –  and the answers are illuminating although not always encouraging.  Two photos this week show us two very different driving-related images with new installments of the frequent Friday feature Friday Photo: Our Attention Needs Our Attention and the newer series My Two Sense: Rainbow Highway. Podcasts continue withPodcast #70 – The Social Life of Yards with Ursula Lang  and charts continue, but barely, with only one chart this week Additions to US Power Plant Capacity.

Opportunities for participation on a scale from national to regional to local in the next few weeks: Strong Towns: This Is Not a Conference announces Strong Towns’ National Gathering coming up this week. “Minneapolis Needs a Subway” – Comments on the Metropolitan Council’s Transportation Policy Plan talks a bit about subways, offers a brief review of the Metro Council’s 2040 Transportation Policy Plan: Connecting communities, fostering regional prosperity and gives details about how you can comment online or in person. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs): A Tool for Preservation describes ADUs and tells you when and where to learn more about Minneapolis’ proposal to allow them as well as give your input.

Small victories department: Hallelujah! The Two-Block Bike Lane Celebration! applauds one small improvement in Mankato, but also asks for more.

Possible small victories department: Minneapolis Can Salvage the Hiawatha Crosswalk “Improvement” Project by reprogramming signals; commenters offer some additional analysis of the problem and possible solutions.

Lessons from Europe department: Three Urban Design Lessons from Sweden does what it says.

Here in Northfield, we have marked the real end of summer with the annual Defeat of Jesse James Days celebration (which is always the weekend after Labor Day). Next year, BikeNorthfield is thinking about a bike corral (which will be better than the State Fair) and other ways to encourage more non-motorized transportation to and around the event in addition to the (34rd annual in 2015) Jesse James Bike Tour. readers should come visit next year. Savor the warm days of Autumn since there’s the possibility of frost in northern Minnesota before the next Sunday Summary.


Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at